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Jules Gomes

Teaching Muslim kids gay sex is like forcing their forefathers to chew pig fat

It only takes a spark to get a fire going. It only takes a spark to get a fire going. Once in a while, the fire flares-up into a full-blown revolt. The revolt makes history. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it most certainly rhymes. Sometimes it just screams, “Why don’t you listen to me?” and lets fly with a big stick.

Gay activists have struck an incendiary spark in Muslim-dominated Parkfield Community School in Saltley, inner-city Birmingham, UK. Head teacher Andrew Moffat has been force-feeding Muslim children a non-halal diet of gay pedagogical propaganda using “No Outsiders”—based on lesson plans he wrote to teach “equality with a lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender focus.”

Muslim parents have exploded with outrage organising serial protests and withdrawing 600 children from the school, for “undermining parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality.” Kids have joined parents in weekly pickets outside the school refusing to be proselytised by textbooks like Mommy, Mama and Me and King & King.

Britain has progressed light years since children read Hans Christian Anderson. Today, the prince no longer kisses a frog turning her into a princess. Instead, in King & King, when the Queen wants the prince to get married he rejects all the princesses and takes a fancy to one of the princesses’ brother and marries him.


History doesn’t repeat itself, but it most certainly rhymes.


“This is no pusillanimous bibliotherapy; it is, rather, a joyful celebration that at the same time firmly challenges the assumptions established and perpetuated by the entire canon of children’s picture books,” notes the fawning Kirkus Reviews. But Muslim parents at Parkfield are foaming, not fawning.

They aren’t homophobic, they respect Moffat and his views, they don’t mind him bunking up with his boyfriend, they call him “a friendly and good-natured guy.” Fatima Shah, who pulled her 10-year-old daughter out of the school, says: “We believe in fundamental British values and believe gay people should be treated with mutual respect and without prejudice or discrimination just like any other human being.”

The Muslims are not against gay rights; they don’t see why LGBT activists should promote pansexuality to their children. Shah says she sends her child to school to study English, maths and science. Abdul Ma says he brings his kids to school so they can later work as a solicitor or a teacher, not to be taught about being gay or a lesbian. Quite right. Since when did the Queer Kama Sutra become a vocational subject for primary school kids?

The parents insist that the sexology is not age-appropriate and their children are too young to be drip-fed what Sigmund Freud called “polymorphous perversity.” The social engineering is frying their kids’ brains. Girls are asking whether it they can be boys, boys as young as four asking whether we can be girls, says Shah.

Worse, it’s “totally against Islamic beliefs,” she argues. “Mr Moffat was telling them it was ok to gay and Muslim,” points out Mariam Ahmed, a mother leading the protests. Local councillor Mohammad Idrees says parents have bombarded him with e-mails as homosexuality is strictly forbidden in Islam.

Moffat’s pink Titanic has struck the iceberg of Islam. It is this clash of cultures that could make history. If the Birmingham spark ignites an Islamic tinderbox opposing the force-feeding of gay indoctrination in schools all over Britain, we could soon be witnessing a full-blown conflagration, as UK Education Secretary Damien Hinds floods the fire with a Niagara Falls of petrol with his Relationships Sex and Education Bill (2020), which will make gayducation compulsory.

The two juggernauts of Islam and homofascism could be heading for an almighty clash and history informs us which side will win. Forcing Muslims to accept homosexuality as kosher is as offensive as force-feeding Muslims pork. “When a man mounts another man, the throne of God shakes,” records a hadith (Abu Dawud 4462). “Kill the one that is doing it and also kill the one that it is being done to,” urges another (al-Tirmidhi 1456).

While liberal scholars may quibble over the exegesis of a few Koranic texts condemning homosexuality, there is no popular controversy over homosexuality in the Muslim world. “In my lifetime I do not see Islam drafting a uniform edict saying that homosexuality is permissible, but then again, a ruling of that nature cannot be imagined as coming from the Vatican either,” notes scholar Parvez Sharma in his foreword to the compendium on Islam and Homosexuality.


Moffat’s pink Titanic has struck the iceberg of Islam.


Andrew Moffat or Damien Hinds wouldn’t ask Muslim kids to taste bacon butties so they learn about the existence of pork eaters, would they? They won’t want to call Muslims porcinophobes. “We are not asking you to make hog roast at home. But fourth-graders need to sample pork scratchings twice a term so they will be more tolerant of different diets.” Can you imagine this hogwash coming from the mouth of Amada Spielman, head of Ofsted?

No. Because, once upon a time, the British did compel Muslims to eat pork. The spark ignited a rebellion in 1857 in British-ruled India. What triggered off First War of Indian Independence (or the Sepoy Mutiny) was the introduction of the Pattern 1853 Enfield rifle cartridges greased with the fat of pigs and cows. Muslim and Hindu soldiers were to chew the fat off the cartridges to fire them.

Historian Saul David, in his article “Greased Cartridges and the Great Mutiny of 1857: A Pretext or the Final Straw?” notes that the Bengal Army’s Ordnance Department “made the fatal, and unforgivable, error of not specifying what type of tallow was to be used” in the local manufacture of Enfield cartridges.

Muslims responded by calling for jihad against British forces. At first, the British attacked both Hindu and Muslim rebels, but later focused their firepower on the Muslims, slaughtering thousands of Muslim men, women and children. British troops entered Delhi and attacked the prestigious Jama Masjid (main mosque). When they captured the Masjid, the British cooked pork inside the mosque and allowed their dogs to roam and urinate in its sacred precincts, also demolishing other mosques in the area.

Following the uprising the British branded Muslims as wahabis and radicals and unleashed a reign of terror: hangings, imprisonments, confiscation of property, and deportation to the Andaman and Nicobar islands. The thousands of Muslims murdered left behind widows and children who had nobody to support them. “To guard their chastity, a few thousand Muslim women choked the wells,” writes historian Arshad Islam.

Muslims retaliated against the British with the conviction they were fighting a Holy War and with the blessing of the ulema (Islamic scholars). The edict of 1857 calling for jihad against the British carried the signatures of 34 ulema. The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 soon led to the creation of the radical Deobandi school of Islam—the ideological basis of the Taliban. There are thousands of Deobandis in Britain today.

The British also recognised that the rebellion could lead to an Islamic call to the umma (global Muslim community) to engage in jihad—a holy war unmatched by any weapon in Britain’s armoury.

To ignore history is to ignore the wolf at the door. Of course, the government should not appease Islam or any other religion. At the same time, Britain’s rulers and gay activists should avoid unduly provoking Islam. Forcibly teaching Muslim kids about gay sex is like forcing their forefathers to chew pig fat.


To ignore history is to ignore the wolf at the door.


If Damien Hinds persists in pushing the Relationships Sex and Education (RSE) reforms, the rebellion in Birmingham could soon spread nationwide. Cowardly Christians and Jews have largely capitulated in their fight against homofascism, but British Muslims will appeal to the umma and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

Damien Hinds’ greasy Relationships and Sex Education could well be the larded cartridges that spark off a new global Muslim mutiny. Surely he must know that no weapon in Britain’s armoury will be able to match the anger of Allah?


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