Jules Gomes
Aug 6, 2019
Hate crimes against Poland’s Catholics rise after profane gay parades
Catholics are being harassed with impunity. It seems that their goal is to push frightened Catholics into the catacombs.
Jules Gomes
Jul 23, 2019
Fr Trevisol asks how the “child” migrants go unpunished “BY LAW” even though they beat up a 70-year-old priest.
Jules Gomes
May 28, 2019
Punishing a Nurse for God-talk is beneath the Wrath of the State
Is it just possible that Judge Martin Kurrein was wreaking his own vengeance against the wrath of the State that had punished him for “inapp
Jules Gomes
May 19, 2019
Victory for pro-life group at Aberdeen University in Scotland
After a year of intimidation and delay, student association reverses course, grants pro-life student group official approval.
Andrew Tettenborn
Apr 22, 2019
Farmor’s School acts like Victorian boss by firing Kristie Higgs for petition on LGBT Sex Education
Things have come to a pretty pass when a mother is sacked for her entirely lawful efforts to do what is best for her own child in school.