Jules Gomes
Apr 19, 2019
Progressive Religion and the Ritual Scapegoating of Sir Roger Scruton
The new religion of progressivism has its own theology of sin. It plagiarises and perverts the ancient Good Friday and Yom Kippur ritual of
Niall McCrae
Apr 17, 2019
A phoenix will rise from the ashes of Notre Dame
The tragic destruction of Notre Dame is highly symbolic of the demise of Christianity in the West.
Jules Gomes
Apr 11, 2019
Cowardly Christians vs courageous Muslims: Rodney Hearth interviews Rebel Priest on Air TV
There isn’t one Christian denomination in Britain standing up to the State’s normalisation of gay sex in primary schools. Why, asks the Rebe
Jules Gomes
Feb 27, 2019
Bishops supporting ISIS-bride Shamima Begum have no vocabulary for evil
Our bishops have fallen prey to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s pivotal argument that human beings are born good and evil is the product of systemic
Jules Gomes
Feb 22, 2019
Shamima Begum and the myth of Islamic deradicalisation
A glimpse inside the fairy-tale world of deradicalisation.