Andrew Tettenborn
Dec 24, 2018
Ah dinnae ken how Scotland can make sectarianism a hate crime
The loony Scottish government wants to criminalise sectarianism to recognise it as an “intersectional challenge.”
David Kurten
Dec 8, 2018
Traitor Theresa signing Global Migration Pact is moral blackmail and national suicide
The aim of the UN Global Migration Pact is essentially to make illegal immigration legal, and it is picked in the moralistic language of hum
Jules Gomes
Dec 5, 2018
What Archbishop Sentamu calls a “childish dream” is in reality a biblical vision
Nationalism is not a bad word. It is a biblical word. Nationalism is a blessing and globalism is a curse, in biblical theology.
Andrew Tettenborn
Dec 3, 2018
Freebie healthcare for failed asylum-seekers in borderless Britain
Cough up your cash to subsidise freebies for failed asylum-seekers, says EHRC tsar. Health, after all, is a human right even at someone else
Janice Fiamengo
Nov 26, 2018
This is the way physics ends. Not with a Big Bang, but a feminist whimper
Feminism’s war on science heats up as CERN and Pisa University suspend particle physicist Prof Alessandro Strumia for telling the truth abou