Jules Gomes
Nov 8, 2018
Oxford dons devour feminist Dean who crushed conservative Bishop
In 2017, Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church, plotted a coup against Philip North, Bishop-designate of Sheffield. Now he’s sitting down to a
Andrew Tettenborn
Oct 27, 2018
Brussels busybodies behave like Star Wars Galactic Senate in Poland’s judiciary feud
Democratic national constitutional arrangements can now be suspended at a flick of the EU judicial pen. Be grateful for Brexit!
Jules Gomes
Oct 26, 2018
Harvard University’s hatred of Asian meritocracy reveals the Left’s racist underbelly
We know the Left detests whites (even though most Lefties are miserable white gits) but why do progressives hate Asians?
Jules Gomes
Oct 9, 2018
The striptease of toxic feminism in the Brett Kavanaugh freak show
What the world saw in the Kavanaugh show is feminism stripped naked—toxic and flashing itself as the virulent and noxious sepsis of civil so
Jules Gomes
Sep 29, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford is a victim of the toxic brew of psycho-feminism
Christine Blasey Ford is a victim. Not of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but of the toxic brew of feminism and Recovered Memory Therapy.