Jules Gomes
Jun 13, 2020
Catholic Unscripted: All Lives Matter — Questioning Racism and Marxism
The narrative of endemic racism and police brutality against blacks is based on a monumental lie. Fake racism is a brainchild of cultural Ma
Jules Gomes
Jun 8, 2020
Charge of the Barbarian Bishops Brigade
Prelates who don't fight evil are doomed to fight unicorns in pyjamas.
Jules Gomes
May 30, 2020
Catholic Unscripted: Muslim Converts Unmask Pope's Abu Dhabi 'Deception'
A network of Muslim converts, who face the death penalty for apostasy from Islam, are denouncing the Abu Dhabi declaration as a "decept
Niall McCrae
Nov 9, 2019
Murderous Muslim Terrorists are not Bad but Mad like Daniel McNaghten
As mass murder in the name of Islam could spur public unrest, the establishment is desperate to decouple terrorism from the fervid faith of
Niall McCrae
Apr 17, 2019
A phoenix will rise from the ashes of Notre Dame
The tragic destruction of Notre Dame is highly symbolic of the demise of Christianity in the West.