Karen Harradine
Jul 11, 2018
Labour party’s “Alice in Wonderland” re-definition of anti-Semitism
Labour's new definition of anti-Semitism most reprehensibly removes the anti-Semitic comparison of Israelis to Nazis.

Karen Harradine
Jun 22, 2018
London's Al-Quds day showcases genocidal Hezbollah but Britain won't outlaw jihadis on para
Given the heinous antics which take place on Al-Quds Day, why won't Britain outlaw jihadis on parade?

Jules Gomes
Jun 21, 2018
Muhammad mapped a migration master plan centuries before Merkel
Immigration is a bona fide doctrine of Islam. The recent tidal waves of Muslim migration are not random phenomenon but methodically planned

Jules Gomes
May 10, 2018
Move along the bus, please. Allah is waving his begging bowl
I keep bumping into Allah in London because this Ramadan, Allah is riding on a lot of double-decker British buses. Britain’s biggest Muslim

Jules Gomes
Apr 20, 2018
The religious roads leading inexorably to a Syrian apocalypse
Syria is a holy war, stupid! So why are we, Western morons, getting sucked into a bloody jihad that is not ours to fight? Because East is Ea