Jules Gomes
Aug 20, 2017
The Left is way more dangerous than loony white supremacists
I’ll tell you why I find the Left more dangerous than the white supremacists or the Alt Right or the Far Right. The white supremacists simpl
Jules Gomes
Jun 4, 2017
Ariana’s Instagram army is no defence against Islamist terrorism
How does a society counteract the most grotesque attack of radical Islamist terrorism? With Ariana Grande's raunchy songs and orgiastic
Jules Gomes
May 26, 2017
Will the Bishop of Manchester ‘come together’ by inviting Muslims to his transgender week?
David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, is a spiritual quack whose words will only anaesthetise a culture steeped in snowflake sentimentality.
Jules Gomes
Mar 26, 2017
Hashtags and teddy bears will not quell radical Islam
The therapeutic rituals of communal grief cannot triumph over terrorism. The post-Princess Diana cult of conspicuous compassion will not def
Jules Gomes
Feb 27, 2017
The myth of the militant Muslim minority is a placebo
The myth of the militant Muslim minority is a placebo. It is wishful thinking that gives the multiculturalist utopian an illusion of control