The Left is way more dangerous than loony white supremacists
Don’t judge me by the colour of my skin, but by the content of my character. Don’t categorise me by the identity of my group, but by the individuality of my person. As a brown-skinned person I do not exist to gratify your melanin fetish. And if you are a Leftist – a member of the alt Left – your entire pathetic existence is predicated on an obsession with skin pigmentation.
For you, my Leftist friend, the character of a person is defined by the colour of their skin. You, Comrade Colour Conscious, see the history of a nation exclusively through the lens of skin pigmentation. You, Mr and Mrs Skin Colour Supremacist, are members of a fundamentalist dogmatic religious cult, where the original sin, indeed the only sin, is white guilt.
I’ll tell you why I find you more dangerous than the white supremacists or the Alt Right or the Far Right or whatever. And I’ll go on to explain why I think you are the real racists. I know a neo-Nazi when I see one. I’ve never seen one live, but I’ve seen a few on YouTube. Call them Fascists or Nazis or skinheads, for my money, they are a ragbag of sad, snivelling and spiteful losers.
They have idols like Hitler but no ideology. White supremacy is not an ideology. You only need the IQ of an imbecile to claim that you are superior to me because your skin is white and my skin is brown. The alt right aren’t proud of Western culture. They don’t read Heidegger or listen to Wagner. Mention Mein Kampf and after a ‘Duh’ moment, they’ll ask you if it is the name of a German beer.
Mind you, I am not a white-skinned Anglo Saxon. I’m also Philosemitic, so I should be trembling at the very mention of these Jew-haters. Strangely enough, they don’t scare me. With all their phony saluting and goose-stepping they are a bit of a joke. Apart from the thuggery of random racist attacks, which the mainstream media gleefully pounce on and amplify, they are powerless.
The white supremacists do not possess the megaphones that determine the direction of postmodern social orthodoxy.
How many of these jokers gathered for the circus in Charlottesville last week? No media outlet is providing us with the hard numbers but ‘the whites marching on Charlottesville were only a small segment of a much larger population for whom the politics of white identity resonates,’ writes liberal Ashley Jardina, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Duke University. Yet a December 2016 Pew survey found that 54 percent of Americans had heard nothing at all about the alt-right. Were it not for alt-left and the left-media the white supremacy rally would have ended with little more than empty beer cans and vomit on the sidewalk.
The white supremacists simply do not possess the megaphones that determine the direction of postmodern social orthodoxy. You won’t find them in Harvard or Hollywood. Every major political party shuns them. They don’t receive funding from George Soros or the National Lottery. They don’t run Google – so they can’t sack intelligent dissenters like James Damore. They have no clout with Facebook or CNN or the BBC or any of the multinational corporations or global banks – so they can’t tell you what to think and say and buy and believe.
And don’t give me that bullshit that Trump is a white supremacist. I have yet to see a shred of evidence for this outlandish claim. The white supremacists in Charlottesville were chanting ‘Jews will not replace us.’ Trump has more orthodox Jews in his family and in his inner circle than yarmulkes in a Jewish garment store. No American presidency in recent history has been more pro-Israel that that of the Trump-Pence duo. Hitler would detest Trump.
But Hitler would admire the new Left. The Left and its Muslim allies hate Jews more than white supremacists do. I’ve attended the really scary rallies in major cities and I’ve seen the toxic cocktail of Leftists and Islamists. Scores of Jews are making aliyah to Tel Aviv not because of Richard Spencer but because of the Comrade Corbyn types and the ‘Jews are apes’ sermons from your neighbourhood Imam. I’ve come to this conclusion: the Left is way more dangerous than the loony white supremacists.
The gratuitous, orchestrated and wholesale violence we have seen over the last couple of years is not from white supremacist groups. It is almost exclusively from the Left and from their Islamist partners-in-crime. They prowl from one university campus to the other, masked or in quasi-uniform like Mussolini’s Blackshirts and Hitler’s Brownshirts, stalking conservative speakers, setting fire to cars, smashing property, assaulting people, and shutting down free speech.
They even de-platform and disinvite their own kind. Richard Dawkins got his comeuppance not from Christians or the alt-right, but from his own lovable atheist Lefties when they disinvited him to a lecture at Berkeley – once the Mecca of free speech! Why? Because Dawkins had tweeted a couple of not very nice things about Islam!
The Left constantly judges people by the colour of their skin because they no longer have any notion of character.
The ‘handheld lies of the prowling cameramen’ to quote Muggeridge, show us hundreds of white supremacists rioting in Charlottesville. So why did the alt-Left not even pretend to turn the other cheek – a la Martin Luther King? How many dead? Three. Of course, that’s three too many because every life is precious. Compare that to one Muslim fanatic racing his van in Barcelona on Thursday this week because 72 virgins are waiting for him in paradise. How many dead? Fourteen.
How often do white supremacists riot in American, British or Swedish cities? How often do Religion-of-Peace supremacists slaughter innocent people in France, Britain or Israel? Hmm… Now statistically speaking, who could be more dangerous? And whose actions and ideology does the Left condone and support?
I’m throwing you a challenge. Try organising a ‘Draw a Richard Spencer Cartoon Contest’ at the National Gallery. Let’s see how many riot in Trafalgar Square. The following week try organising a ‘Draw your favourite Prophet (Peace be upon him) Contest’ at the same gallery. Let’s see how many riot and die in every major city on planet Earth and how many Lefties lecture us saying, ‘Tsk… tsk… we should be sensitive to the religious feelings of people.’
OK. Let’s have a Reality TV show on Channel 4. Let’s call it Big Brother Taliban. Let’s have two teams. Team 1: the sad, mad and bad turbaned iconoclasts blowing up statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. Team 2: the black-clad Antifa ignoramus thugs, face hidden by bandanas, vandalising the Peace Monument in Piedmont Park mistaking it for a Confederate memorial. Or rampaging through half of America on a statue wrecking binge destroying even a monument to Abraham Lincoln in Chicago! Or bizarrely calling for the statue of Joan of Arc in New Orleans to be torn down!
The Left constantly judges people by the colour of their skin because they no longer have any notion of character. Leftist ideology has never been about the Martin Luther King, Jr ‘content of your character’ – it has always been about the Nietzschean ‘will to power.’ And in the confused thinking of the Left, the best route to power is through race – Hitler thought along similar lines.
Their entire scaffolding of identity politics is erected on the fetish of race and skin pigmentation. The Left have ascended from the muck to the moral high ground by stepping on the backs of the people of colour – victims groups created by them – so they can trumpet their virtuosity and claim to be the new saviours of those of us who allegedly need saving. That is why they are the real racists.
Witnessing the wanton destruction of the Nazis, novelist Thomas Mann wrote that this was a new kind of revolution, ‘without underlying ideas, against ideas, against everything nobler, better, decent, against freedom, truth and justice.’ The ‘common scum’ had won the day, ‘accompanied by vast rejoicing on the part of the masses.’ If Mann were writing these words in 2017, would he be describing the Lunatic Left or the White Supremacists – or both?
(Originally published in The Conservative Woman)