Andrew Tettenborn
Nov 15, 2018
Absolutist gay indoctrination in Scottish schools will hit poor hardest
What’s worse than banning schools from teaching a given political ideology? Answer: requiring a political view to be taught as correct to ev
Jules Gomes
Oct 26, 2018
Harvard University’s hatred of Asian meritocracy reveals the Left’s racist underbelly
We know the Left detests whites (even though most Lefties are miserable white gits) but why do progressives hate Asians?
Andrew Tettenborn
Sep 17, 2018
EU to Romania: How dare you say marriage is only between man and woman!
There is no European human right to a gay marriage, even in the bloated conception of human rights now espoused by the European Court of Hum
Andrew Tettenborn
Aug 29, 2018
We don’t need no human rights in the classroom. Hey, teacher leave them kids alone!
Children are being indoctrinated to believe that most of life is a human rights issue.
Jules Gomes
Aug 17, 2018
Video: How feminist “Dambusters” destroyed the Church of England
The video recording of Dr Jules Gomes’ lecture at the Fourth International Conference on Men’s Issues held at the Excel Conference Centre, C