Jules Gomes
Jan 23, 2019
Archbishop Justin Welby is suffering from a terminal case of confirmation bias
Speaking in tongues is not a gilt-edged guarantee of Christian orthodoxy. Why is Welby cherry-picking his favourite bits from Paul’s letter
David Kurten
Jan 19, 2019
Theresa May’s sex and equalities legislation is “child abuse”
The ideology of the modern family is a diabolical piece of social engineering. Children should be left to enjoy their childhood, free from s
Jules Gomes
Jan 14, 2019
Anglican bishop gives masterclass in the art of the apology
There’s the English apology and there’s the Hebrew apology. It would be terribly and frightfully unfair to expect a Hebrew apology from an E
Jules Gomes
Jan 10, 2019
The Democrats’ seismic shift on immigration
A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. The Democrats changed their mind on immigration just as they flip-flopped on homosexuality.
Lambert Pallas, Religion Correspondent
Dec 20, 2018
Archbishops and evangelical bishop to transition for the Twelve Days of Christmas
“God became man for us. I am becoming woman for them. What an opportunity for the nation to see what the Church of England is about,” Archbi