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Jules Gomes

Feeble feminists abandon their Muslim sisters

It was the best of times for the women of the West; it was the worst of times for the women of the Islamic world — even the Muslim women who live in the West. So what did Western feminists celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) last week do to help their oppressed Muslim sisters blanketed under the purdah? Nothing? Worse.

The sistahood of feministas, in keeping with their religion of multicultural correctness, are only too willing to adopt the missionary position and lie in bed with the dominant forces of Islamic tyranny.

Facebook leads the virtue-signalling parade not with pompoms, burnt bras and miniskirts but with a header photo depicting women wearing a hijab and cheering the garb of shame —how cool is that? ‘Imagine the outrage on the Left if conservative Christians were demanding women dress more modestly and wear a head scarf,’tweets the new scourge of leftism, Paul Joseph Watson.

In this brave new world of feminism, superwoman Marine Le Pen attracts brickbats for refusing to cover her head while meeting Lebanon’s Grand Mufti. In contrast, Sweden’s lily-livered, chicken-hearted and yellow-bellied feminist ministers receive the accolade of the world’s first “feminist government” when Trade Minister Ann Linde and other female members of parliament parade their modesty before Iranian President Rouhani wearing hijabs and chadors!

On International Women's Day (IWD), we learn in Cool Britannia that the NHS recorded over 5,500 of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in 2016—but there were no prosecutions. West Midlands Police respond by saying that they will prosecute ‘if doing so is in the victim’s best interests.’ The onward feminist soldier response to FGM in Britain is—you’re not going to believe this—“FGM is a legitimate response to colonialism and a product of women’s agency”—a theory espoused by a left-wing loony feminist lecturer at Goldsmith’s College, London.

On IWD, does our Church of England’s new gaggle of 10 feminist bishopettes have anything to say to Muslim girls suffering sexual abuse in Rotherham? Hmm… Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishopette of Crediton, is tweeting what looks like a selfie of her bishopess entering the portals of 10 Downing Street announcing to the Twittersphere how great it is to join bishopettes Jo Wells and Rachel Treweek ‘and other inspirational women at the reception held by Prime Minister.’

C of E feministasi will be dancing to Berlioz’s burlesque parody of the Dies Irae—the dance of the witches—after they managed to get traditionalist Bishop Philip North’s scalp by forcing him to withdraw from his appointment to the See of Sheffield—just a day after IWD! Hip, hip, hooray!

The myth of the gender pay gap, repeatedly debunked by TCW and scholars like Christina Hoff Sommers (who trashes it in 60 seconds), is the totem pole of the IWD celebrations in Iceland. Its government announces a new law that will require every company with 25 or more staff to gain a certificate demonstrating pay equality. At home, the Metro is educating its readers ‘how to shut down pay gap deniers,’ putting this crime on par with Holocaust Denial.


The central plank of the International Women's Day celebrations consists of feminist mobs demanding the

right to murder babies.


The central plank of the IWD celebrations consists of feminist mobs demanding the right to kill babies. Clad in red, hundreds of protestors march to the White House shouting “Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Choices.” In a utopia of no-borders, just across the border, Canada’s most famous high school drama teacher, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau marks IWD by offering $650 million of taxpayers’ money for women’s reproductive rights at the altar of Molech—the Ammonite god who demanded child sacrifice in the ancient Near East.

None of the feminist warriors consider tweeting or wearing red or setting up a Facebook page to expose the chilling practice of female foeticide in India, even though two days before IWD, police find 19 aborted female foetuses outside a hospital in the state of Maharashtra. Female foetuses are regularly found in drains, and garbage bins, and eight million female foetuses have been aborted in the past decade alone. But why spoil the fun feministas are having on IWD?

On IWD the feminist celebrities who steal the attention of the mainstream media are Hilary Clinton with her Snapchat video urging women to ‘Stand Up. Resist. Run for office’ (she should have told Bill Clinton’s female interns to Stand up, resist and runfrom his office!) and Khloe Kardashian who does her bit for feminism by sharing a selfie and showing some skin in a plunging red dress.

The women in real life risking their lives to fight against the real oppression of other women—particularly in the oppressive Islamic world—are blanked out by the mainstream media on IWD. Women like Somali-born Dutch-American Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Syrian-born American psychiatrist and critic of Islamic misogyny—who stood shoulder to shoulder with Geert Wilders at his ‘hate speech’ trial, and Somali-born Swedish activist Mona Walter who fled to Sweden and denounces the Islam practised there as more repressive than the mild variety practised in her native Somalia—are not even mentioned in a tweet! These heroines, who each have a fatwa on their heads, are despised and rejected by the sistahood.


Feminism in the West is the feminist curved in on herself—a luxury afforded to the I-specialist who worships the unholy trinity of goddesses: I, me, and myself.


Why don’t western feminists care? In the year of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it might be salutary to offer a Lutheran diagnosis of the disease ailing Western feminism, popularly known as I-disease. What is I-disease? The Reformer Martin Luther gave it an incisive Latin nomenclature: homo incurvatus in se—the human being curved in on itself. Feminism in the West is the feminist curved in on herself—a luxury afforded to the I-specialist who worships the unholy trinity of goddesses I, me, and myself—enjoying the best of times and leaving the other sisters to rot and suffer the worst of times.

(Originally published in The Conservative Woman)

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