Muslim rape gangs and the inconvenient truth
Halifax, Oxford, Rochdale, Bristol, Telford, Rotherham, Peterborough, Derby, Aylesbury, Newcastle. These are some of the hometowns of girls and women forever traumatised by their shocking childhood experiences at the hands of Muslim ‘grooming gangs’.
The perpetrators of these gangs are not groomers. This is a misnomer. As Jules Gomes wrote, this is ‘rape of the innocents on an industrial scale’. These are rapists and some are paedophiles. And instead of helping these girls our authorities have failed them over and over again. The police, Crown Prosecution Service and social workers have shied from doing their duty, partly due to fears of being accused of racism, and partly due to their own inverse racism in perceiving the girls as ‘white trash’. The fear of naming the religion of the perpetrators of these rape gangs has overcome any sense of accountability and decency towards the victims.
Any member of the public who makes too much fuss about the perpetrators, mostly Muslim men of Pakistani origin, risks arrest. As is well known, a man is in jail in Hull for his relentless pursuit of the truth on a scandal that the establishment desperately wants to suppress.
It is essential to acknowledge that the majority of the Muslim community have nothing to do with these grim antics. Stereotyping and demonising an entire group of people based on their common religion is divisive, wrong and detracts from the argument. There is a world of difference between some Muslim academics teaching at British universities and fundamentalist Imams from remote areas of Pakistan preaching in mosques in Bradford.
The fear of naming the religion of the perpetrators of these rape gangs has overcome any sense of accountability and decency towards the victims.
We need to get to the root of the problem. We have to accept that it is related to the culture of some Muslim communities. In the patriarchal hinterlands of Pakistani hill villages, from which much of the diaspora emanates, rape is used to punish errant women, and to persecute Christians and Shia Muslims. It’s the ultimate humiliation.
We also have to acknowledge that much of this culture is supported by proof texts from Islamic scriptures and authorities that interpret them to support such abominable practices. A striking example is in Issue 4 of the Islamic State magazine Dabiq. The foreword quotes Shaykh Abū Muhammad al-’Adnānī’s last speech, where he says, ‘We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah, the Exalted.’ The same issue contains an article entitled ‘The Revival of Slavery before the Hour’ which justifies on theological grounds the enslavement of Yazidi women and children and goes on state approvingly that the ‘only other known case – albeit much smaller – is that of the enslavement of Christian women and children in the Philippines and Nigeria by the mujāhidīn there’.
Here in Britain the favouring of multiculturalism over integration means that some young Muslim men are brought up in homes nearer to Islamabad than England. The consequence is that they see uncovered white girls as sluts deserving to be passed around for primal pleasure.
Why are our politicians so silent on this? Despite strong feminist influences on our society thousands of girls have been ignored and discarded like pieces of rubbish by police, councillors, social workers and MPs. They were effectively abandoned to a filthy mattress above a kebab shop, where men of all ages queued for their turn. Most of these girls were only twelve or thirteen when they were raped, a fact underplayed by the mainstream media. These dreadful crimes against humanity have not drawn anywhere near the attention given to a spuriously sexist comment by a male MP.
We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women, by the permission of Allah,
the Exalted.
Some MPs have raised concern. Lucy Allan, who represents Telford, one of the worst towns in the catalogue of shame, criticised the police for accepting that girls gave consent to underage penetration by their ‘Asian boyfriends’. Jess Phillips, no shrinking violet in speaking up for women’s rights, asked: ‘How many Telfords before we get serious about child grooming?’ Yet Phillips omitted the obvious common factor in these depravities. ‘We need to create a vehicle to tackle the specific nature of grooming gangs’ was as close as she got to naming the elephant in the room.
Phillips was understandably reticent after the fate of her colleague Sarah Champion, who was sacked from her shadow minister position by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn after naming the ethnic group involved in the gang rapes. Champion later referred to a ‘floppy left’ in which being ‘accused of racism is probably the worst thing you can call me’. So personal reputation, and fear of being perceived as politically incorrect, is prioritised over public service.
But others showed no empathy at all. Muslim MP Naz Shah, who was suspended from the Labour Party after Facebook posts, including one suggesting Israel should be moved to the United States, tweeted her contempt for the rape victims by saying that they should be quiet for the ‘good of diversity’. Most MPs seem to be far more dazzled by the gods of multiculturalism and diversity than bothered by the industrial-scale rape of children in their own constituencies.
The Labour Party, in its pursuit of Muslim votes, has mainly ignored these rape gangs. But the Conservatives have been equally taciturn on this mass sexual exploitation of children. Turned by Cameron and May into a socially ‘progressive’ party, only a resolute backbencher would dare to utter something critical about Islamic influence on society. So Tory MPs must take extra care with inconvenient truth.
The Labour Party, in its pursuit of Muslim votes, has mainly ignored these rape gangs.
But by underplaying this both parties are guilty of racism – they patronisingly assume that all Muslims are the same and will be offended if the ‘wrong’ words are used in tackling these heinous crimes. This bigotry of low expectations is never more apparent than when the BBC calls the criminals ‘Asians’.
Belatedly, a group of twenty MPs has called for ‘concrete action’, urging Home Secretary Sajid Javid to fund research into grooming gangs. But research is a coward’s way out. This outrage needs a national enquiry into the institutional neglect that allowed so many girls to be defiled. And urgently – because the abuse is still carrying on.
The courts have finally swung into action, and hundreds of abusers are now in jail. But there is something badly wrong with our political establishment, police and social services for allowing this rampage to have spread so pervasively, and unheeded, for so long.
On his classic album Vauxhall and I, Morrissey sang of the chattering classes and their blindness to the realities of the ordinary folk. ‘A world war was announced, days ago, but they didn’t know – the lazy sunbathers’. Hushing up the obvious truth means that more innocents will suffer in the name of political correctness.
‘Would you please keep the noise down low, because you’re waking the lazy sunbathers,’ sings Morrissey. And if you don’t shut up soon, we’ll arrest you for hate speech, clap you in irons, have you in court before you can say Jack Robinson and throw you behind bars in the same prison cell with a journalist by the name of Tommy Robinson.
(Dr Niall McCrae is a lecturer in mental health, and a writer on social and political affairs. Karen Harradine is an anthropologist and freelance journalist. She writes on anti-Semitism, Israel and spirituality).