Janice Fiamengo
Aug 3, 2018
Feminism as a Victim Mentality Disorder cannot counter Muslim misogyny
The feminist victim mentality disorder sees Islam as “othered” by the colonial west. Hence, it can never be the target of feminist criticism
Jules Gomes
Aug 2, 2018
Britain won’t outlaw caste-based racism because it might offend Hindus
India is the most racist country in the world. When I immigrated to Britain, I thought I had left behind the hyper-racism of India’s caste s
Jules Gomes
Jun 12, 2018
Tommy Robinson is behind bars because the law is a racist ass
The media has failed to ask the most significant question: how is it just for the courts to black out reporting on the most heinous criminal
Jules Gomes
Jun 7, 2018
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Welby's Euromania is marching on
‘Mr Welby is distinguished for ignorance; for he has only one idea, and that is wrong.’
Kevin Corbett
Jun 4, 2018
Beware of the BBC - she bites Christians, not Muslims
Why is it that the national broadcaster can smear Christianity with near impunity and there is no public outcry of ‘Christianophobia’?