Jules Gomes
Mar 4, 2018
Discombobulated by Welby? You will be!
My longing for the LSD-like experience of discombobulation was satiated over the weekend when Justin Welby kept popping out of the newspaper
Jules Gomes
Feb 8, 2018
Islamic conquest of prison chaplaincy gives pastoral care the death sentence
Islam is taking over prisons. The statutory presence of the CofE in prisons should give it a voice on issues of imprisonment, but it remains
Jules Gomes
Dec 9, 2017
Where Mishal’s Magical Muslim Mystery Tour didn’t go
Why not drop in for a cuppa with the sect that says shed blood for Allah?
Jules Gomes
Sep 3, 2017
Adoption should be colour-blind, not culture-blind
It is racial discrimination to treat race as a primary factor in adoption. It is not religious discrimination to treat religion as a primary
Jules Gomes
Aug 27, 2017
Western leaders take note - Islamists want to re-live their brutal and violent conquest of Spain
Before there was fake news, there was fake history. Secular Europe sanitises history; religious Muslims sacramentalise history. One of the m