Niall McCrae and Karen Harradine
Jun 3, 2018
Muslim rape gangs and the inconvenient truth
The fear of naming the religion of the perpetrators of these rape gangs has overcome any sense of accountability and decency towards the vic

Jules Gomes
Jun 1, 2018
Recruiting mentally dysfunctional clergy to run the Anglican asylum
In a fit of ideological frenzy, the C of E has said it now wants to move beyond recruiting the mediocre to enlisting mentally ill as clergy.

Jules Gomes
May 10, 2018
Move along the bus, please. Allah is waving his begging bowl
I keep bumping into Allah in London because this Ramadan, Allah is riding on a lot of double-decker British buses. Britain’s biggest Muslim

Jules Gomes
Apr 13, 2018
How can the Queen be descended from Muhammad if he didn’t exist in the first place?
Is this a tale from the Arabian Nights or a Saudi sitcom (golly, what an oxymoron)? ‘The blood of Muhammad flows in the veins of the Queen,’

Jules Gomes
Mar 30, 2018
Western youngsters are potty trained to believe in nothing
The University of Greenwich was my crystal ball into which I peered and saw the future of Europe. As a distinct civilisation, Europe was fin